Why Brands Shouldn’t Repurpose One Video for Every Platform
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Why Brands Shouldn’t Repurpose One Video for All Their Marketing Needs

In the competitive world of digital marketing, video content has become a cornerstone for engaging audiences. However, repurposing a single video across all marketing channels can significantly undermine the effectiveness of your video marketing strategy. Let’s explore why this approach can be detrimental and how creating platform-specific video content can enhance your marketing strategy.

The Problem

Repurposing one video for multiple platforms might seem efficient, but it often leads to several issues:

Mismatch with Platform Expectations:

  • Different platforms have unique user behaviors and content preferences. What works on one platform might not work on another, leading to poor engagement. For instance, a video designed for YouTube might be too long for Instagram Stories, where shorter, more dynamic content performs better.

Reduced Engagement:

  • A one-size-fits-all video may not resonate well with diverse audiences. Each platform has its own culture and audience expectations, so a generic video might fail to connect. Customized video content ensures that the video speaks directly to the platform’s audience, increasing relevance and engagement.

Ad Fatigue:

  • Repeated exposure to the same content across channels can lead to viewer disengagement. When users see the same video multiple times on different platforms, it can become monotonous. This repetition can cause users to lose interest and potentially ignore the brand altogether.

These issues can negatively impact campaign performance, resulting in lower engagement rates, fewer conversions, and diminished brand perception.

The Solution: Platform-Specific Videos

To overcome these challenges, creating videos tailored to each platform's unique requirements and audience expectations is essential.

Instagram and TikTok

  • Content Style: Users on these platforms prefer short, visually engaging content that quickly captures attention. Videos should be dynamic and fast-paced, utilizing visual effects and trending music to grab viewers' interest. Authenticity is key, as polished, corporate-style videos may not perform as well. User-generated content (UGC) tends to perform best on these platforms due to its authentic and relatable nature. UGC is typically lower in production quality but higher in authenticity, often featuring individuals recording themselves on their phones.

  • Video Length: Keep videos under 60 seconds, with a strong hook in the first few seconds. Shorter videos cater to the limited attention span of users on these platforms. Quick, impactful messages are more likely to be watched in full and shared.

  • Visuals and Trends: Utilize trending music, effects, and hashtags to increase visibility and engagement. Staying up-to-date with the latest platform trends helps your content feel relevant and relatable. Incorporating popular elements can boost discoverability through platform algorithms.

  • Creative Refresh Rate: UGC content can be posted as often as once a day or as little as twice a week for something more sustainable. Frequent updates keep the content fresh and engaging, preventing ad fatigue and maintaining viewer interest.


  • Content Style: LinkedIn audiences value professional, informative videos that provide industry insights and thought leadership. Content should be educational, offering valuable knowledge or insights. This positions your brand as an authority in its field.

  • Video Length: Videos can be longer, focusing on delivering substantial content. Unlike other platforms, LinkedIn users are often willing to invest time in watching detailed content. This allows for in-depth explanations and discussions.

  • Tone and Quality: Maintain a formal tone and high production quality to appeal to business professionals. Polished, well-produced videos reflect professionalism and credibility. This enhances the brand’s image among industry peers and potential clients .

  • Creative Refresh Rate: Refresh your creatives every 4-6 weeks. This allows for the inclusion of up-to-date industry trends and insights while ensuring that content remains relevant and engaging to the audience.


  • Content Style: Users on Connected TV (CTV) and Over-The-Top (OTT) platforms expect high-quality, engaging ads that feel like entertainment rather than traditional advertising. Ads should be narrative-driven, with a focus on storytelling. This aligns with the viewers' expectation of consuming high-quality content.

  • Video Length: Use 15-second or 30-second ad formats to create compelling, emotionally resonant stories. These platforms provide the opportunity to develop deeper narratives that can evoke emotions and build stronger connections with viewers.

  • Production Value: Invest in professional production to meet the high standards of these platforms. High production values ensure that your content stands out in a competitive space. Quality visuals and sound can significantly impact viewer perception and engagement.

  • Creative Refresh Rate: CTV campaigns tend to be longer in duration, with most campaigns running for about three months. High production costs and longer engagement times allow for less frequent updates compared to other platforms, ensuring content remains fresh without overburdening production resources.


In conclusion, tailoring your video content to suit the specific needs and preferences of each platform can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. By understanding and leveraging the unique characteristics of Instagram, TikTok, LinkedIn, and CTV/OTT, you can create engaging, high-impact videos that resonate with your audience and drive better results.


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